Our Do-Not-Call Policy

Updated and effective as of August 1, 2023

Yortship LLC, Inc. and its subsidiaries, affiliates, managers, and employees (collectively, “Yortship LLC”) and its agents use the telephone as an important means to communicate with our customers and prospective customers. We comply with all federal and state law and strive to maintain the highest standards of customer service possible in the course of our business. Accordingly, it is the policy of HealthCare to:

  • Not make a telephone solicitation call to the telephone number of any person who has registered their number on the federal Do-No-Call list (or a state DNC registry if applicable) unless that person has provided their prior express consent for us to call them; and
  • Maintain an internal HealthCare Do-Not-Call list and a process for consumers to request that HealthCare add their telephone number to the HealthCare Do-Not-Call list.

A “telephone solicitation call” is any call that is initiated by HealthCare to a consumer for the purpose of soliciting a sale of any product or service that HealthCare provides or offers. It does not include calls that are made in response to the consumer inquiry when the consumer has provided their permission for us to call. It also does not include calls initiated solely for customer service purposes or business-to-business calls. For example, HealthCare may call persons registered on a Do-Not-Call list for non-solicitation purposes such as billing, appointment confirmations, and other service-related matters as permitted by law.

  • Consumers may contact Yortship LLC by telephone or in writing to request that our company stop calling them and place their full 10-digit telephone number (and name if provided) on our internal Do-Not-Call list. Requests may be submitted by sending an email to or calling us toll free at 1 866-853-4791.
  • When we receive a request, the telephone number will be added to our Do-Not-Call list within 7 business days although in some limited cases the request may take up to 30 business days to complete.
  • A Do-Not-Call request stays on our list for at least 5 years, as required by law, unless withdrawn sooner by the consumer. If a consumer’s telephone number changes, another request must be submitted to HealthCare to add the new telephone number to our Do-Not-Call list.

PLEASE NOTE: The Federal Trade Commission also offers a free service to consumers allowing them to place their residential phone number on a National Do-Not-Call Registry. This service is offered and maintained by the federal government, not by HealthCare, Inc. Consumers may add their residential phone number to this list either by calling xxx-xxx-xxxx or by going to .